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Seal of the Navy
Navy JOTC Ranks - Enlisted and Officer, from Lowest to Highest

Rate Insignia Rank Abbreviation
E-1 No Insignia Cadet Seaman Recruit SR
E-2 Insignia of a Navy Seaman Apprentice Cadet Seaman Apprentice SA
E-3 Insignia of a Navy Seaman Cadet Seaman SN
E-4 Insignia of a Navy Petty Officer Third Class Cadet Petty Officer Third Class PO3
E-5 Insignia of a Navy Petty Officer Second Class Cadet Petty Officer Second Class PO2
E-6 Insignia of a Navy Petty Officer First Class Cadet Petty Officer First Class PO1
E-7 Insignia of a Navy Chief Petty Officer Cadet Chief Petty Officer CPO
E-8 Insignia of a Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer Cadet Senior Chief Petty Officer SCPO
E-9 Insignia of a Navy Master Chief Petty Officer Cadet Master Chief Petty Officer MCPO
O-1 Insignia of a Navy Ensign Cadet Ensign ENS
O-2 Insignia of a Navy Lieutenant Junior Grade Cadet Lieutenant Junior Grade LTJG
O-3 Insignia of a Navy Lieutenant Cadet Lieutenant LT
O-4 Insignia of a Navy Lieutenant Commander Cadet Lieutenant Commander LCDR
O-5 Insignia of a Navy Commander Cadet Commander CDR

Seal of the Navy
Navy Ranks - Enlisted and Officer, from Lowest to Highest

Pay Grade Insignia Rank Abbreviation Classification 2024 Pay Range
E-1 No Insignia Seaman Recruit SR Junior Enlisted $2,017 per month
E-2 Insignia of a Navy Seaman Apprentice Seaman Apprentice SA Junior Enlisted $27,133 - $27,385 per year
E-3 Insignia of a Navy Seaman Seaman SN Junior Enlisted $28,530 - $32,162 per year
E-4 Insignia of a Navy Petty Officer Third Class Petty Officer Third Class PO3 Noncommissioned Officer $31,604 - $38,369 per year
E-5 Insignia of a Navy Petty Officer Second Class Petty Officer Second Class PO2 Noncommissioned Officer $34,466 - $48,917 per year
E-6 Insignia of a Navy Petty Officer First Class Petty Officer First Class PO1 Noncommissioned Officer $37,627 - $58,277 per year
E-7 Insignia of a Navy Chief Petty Officer Chief Petty Officer CPO Senior Noncommissioned Officer $43,499 - $78,188 per year
E-8 Insignia of a Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer Senior Chief Petty Officer SCPO Senior Noncommissioned Officer $62,579 - $89,248 per year
E-9 Insignia of a Navy Master Chief Petty Officer Master Chief Petty Officer MCPO Senior Noncommissioned Officer $76,446 - $118,696 per year
E-9 Insignia of a Navy Command Master Chief Petty Officer Command Master Chief Petty Officer CMDCM Senior Enlisted Advisor $76,446 - $118,696 per year
E-9 Insignia of a Navy Master Chief Petty Officer Of The Navy Master Chief Petty Officer Of The Navy MCPON Senior Enlisted Advisor $76,446 - $118,696 per year
W-2 Insignia of a Navy Chief Warrant Officer 2 Chief Warrant Officer 2 CW2 Warrant Officer $51,131 - $85,342 per year
W-3 Insignia of a Navy Chief Warrant Officer 3 Chief Warrant Officer 3 CW3 Warrant Officer $57,787 - $101,365 per year
W-4 Insignia of a Navy Chief Warrant Officer 4 Chief Warrant Officer 4 CW4 Warrant Officer $63,277 - $117,860 per year
W-5 Insignia of a Navy Chief Warrant Officer 5 Chief Warrant Officer 5 CW5 Warrant Officer $112,507 - $147,229 per year
O-1 Insignia of a Navy Ensign Ensign ENS Junior Officer $45,914 - $57,776 per year
O-2 Insignia of a Navy Lieutenant Junior Grade Lieutenant Junior Grade LTJG Junior Officer $52,902 - $73,210 per year
O-3 Insignia of a Navy Lieutenant Lieutenant LT Junior Officer $61,225 - $99,612 per year
O-4 Insignia of a Navy Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Commander LCDR Junior Officer $69,638 - $116,269 per year
O-5 Insignia of a Navy Commander Commander CDR Senior Officer $80,708 - $137,120 per year
O-6 Insignia of a Navy Captain Captain CAPT Senior Officer $96,815 - $171,389 per year
O-7 Insignia of a Navy Rear Admiral Lower Half Rear Admiral Lower Half RDML Flag Officer $127,667 - $190,750 per year
O-8 Insignia of a Navy Rear Admiral Rear Admiral RADM Flag Officer $153,644 - $221,497 per year
O-9 Insignia of a Navy Vice Admiral Vice Admiral VADM Flag Officer $217,152 - $221,900 per year
O-10 Insignia of a Navy Admiral Admiral ADM Flag Officer $18,492 per month
O-11 Insignia of a Navy Fleet Admiral Fleet Admiral FADM Flag Officer n/a

Seal of the Marine Corps
Marine Corps Ranks - Enlisted and Officer, from Lowest to Highest

Pay Grade Insignia Rank Abbreviation Classification 2024 Pay Range
E-1 No Insignia Private Pvt Junior Enlisted $2,017 per month
E-2 Insignia of a Marine Corps Private First Class Private First Class PFC Junior Enlisted $27,133 - $27,385 per year
E-3 Insignia of a Marine Corps Lance Corporal Lance Corporal LCpl Junior Enlisted $28,530 - $32,162 per year
E-4 Insignia of a Marine Corps Corporal Corporal Cpl Noncommissioned Officer $31,604 - $38,369 per year
E-5 Insignia of a Marine Corps Sergeant Sergeant Sgt Noncommissioned Officer $34,466 - $48,917 per year
E-6 Insignia of a Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant SSgt Staff Noncommissioned Officer $37,627 - $58,277 per year
E-7 Insignia of a Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant Gunnery Sergeant GySgt Staff Noncommissioned Officer $43,499 - $78,188 per year
E-8 Insignia of a Marine Corps Master Sergeant Master Sergeant MSgt Staff Noncommissioned Officer $62,579 - $89,248 per year
E-8 Insignia of a Marine Corps First Sergeant First Sergeant 1stSg Senior Enlisted Advisor $62,579 - $89,248 per year
E-9 Insignia of a Marine Corps Master Gunnery Sergeant Master Gunnery Sergeant MGySg Staff Noncommissioned Officer $76,446 - $118,696 per year
E-9 Insignia of a Marine Corps Sergeant Major Sergeant Major SgtMa Senior Enlisted Advisor $76,446 - $118,696 per year
E-9 Insignia of a Marine Corps Sergeant Major Of The Marine Corps Sergeant Major Of The Marine Corps sgtMa Senior Enlisted Advisor $76,446 - $118,696 per year
W-1 Insignia of a Marine Corps Warrant Officer 1 Warrant Officer 1 WO1 Warrant Officer $44,878 - $77,555 per year
W-2 Insignia of a Marine Corps Chief Warrant Officer 2 Chief Warrant Officer 2 CW2 Warrant Officer $51,131 - $85,342 per year
W-3 Insignia of a Marine Corps Chief Warrant Officer 3 Chief Warrant Officer 3 CW3 Warrant Officer $57,787 - $101,365 per year
W-4 Insignia of a Marine Corps Chief Warrant Officer 4 Chief Warrant Officer 4 CW4 Warrant Officer $63,277 - $117,860 per year
W-5 Insignia of a Marine Corps Chief Warrant Officer 5 Chief Warrant Officer 5 CW5 Warrant Officer $112,507 - $147,229 per year
O-1 Insignia of a Marine Corps Second Lieutenant Second Lieutenant 2ndLt Commissioned Officer $45,914 - $57,776 per year
O-2 Insignia of a Marine Corps First Lieutenant First Lieutenant 1stLt Commissioned Officer $52,902 - $73,210 per year
O-3 Insignia of a Marine Corps Captain Captain Capt Commissioned Officer $61,225 - $99,612 per year
O-4 Insignia of a Marine Corps Major Major Maj Field Officer $69,638 - $116,269 per year
O-5 Insignia of a Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel LtCol Field Officer $80,708 - $137,120 per year
O-6 Insignia of a Marine Corps Colonel Colonel Col Field Officer $96,815 - $171,389 per year
O-7 Insignia of a Marine Corps Brigadier General Brigadier General BGen General Officer $127,667 - $190,750 per year
O-8 Insignia of a Marine Corps Major General Major General MajGen General Officer $153,644 - $221,497 per year
O-9 Insignia of a Marine Corps Lieutenant General Lieutenant General LtGen General Officer $217,152 - $221,900 per year
O-10 Insignia of a Marine Corps General General Gen General Officer $18,492 per month