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Parlier NJROTC

"Good opportunity to get involved"

Drill Team

Our Drill team is more focused on the execution of drill commands correctly and accurately. Cadets spend hours practicing and perfecting a large range of drill commands.
Team Leaders: Luis & Cruz
Member Count: 30
People at Drill Pad

Color Gaurd

The Color Guard Team is the most active team within local events. You will most likely see them, in parades, city gatherings, graduation, football games, and many more important events. Within the color guard you will see our cadets marching with flags surrounded by rifles, hence the name color guard.
Team Leader: Jenny Garcia
Member Count: 4
Color Guard Dressed

CyberPatriot Team

We are the CyberPatriot Team. We created the NJROTC website and we maintain it, adding features, and fixing bugs as we go. For the 2024-2025 we plan to fully restart the team and exploring the subject of cyber security along with learning web development. If you would like to join, you need to be able to work in HTML, CSS & optionally Javascript and Astro. The underlined text will point to learning resources incase you want to get started.
Team Leader: Jose Ibarra-Martinez
Member Count: 2
Jose Ibarra-Martinez Getting Ready to Show the Website